The Nantucket Regional Transit Authority (NRTA) is governed by Massachusetts General Laws, 161B. The NRTA is one of fifteen regional transit authorities providing public transportation in the Commonwealth.
The Authority is given general responsibilities to develop, finance and contract for the operation of the transportation facilities and services within Nantucket. The day to day operations of the Authority are managed by the Administrator, appointed by the Advisory Board.
In addition to the Administrator there is one full time employee responsible for the day to day operations of the NRTA’s demand response service, Your Island Ride. There are between 4-6 part time employees that work as information aides and revenue processing clerks for the NRTA’s fixed route service, The Wave.
The NRTA contracts its demand response service and fixed route service with VTS of Mass., Inc.
*For several years there has been a non-voting disabled representative on the advisory board. Recent legislation changed this position to a voting member. **One representative of the rider community population shall serve on the advisory board as a voting member for a term of 1 year. The town manager shall appoint a community rider for this purpose from a list of at least 5 persons nominated by the Massachusetts AFL-CIO and its regional councils.